Michael Szivatz and Vivien Kabar at Dorotheum

Art collaborations are more than just a melding of techniques and aesthetics—they’re a fusion of visions, experiences, and innovations. When two creative forces come together, the result can transform the way we view both the artwork and the artists themselves. One such remarkable collaboration currently on display at Dorotheum is “Bear with You”, a captivating […]

The Pannonians did it again – Beeple Studios here we come

Art and gaming: two universes that continue to push each other’s boundaries, forging new ways of seeing, doing, and creating. On this special night at Beeple Studios, we’re thrilled to announce the triumphant return of three Pannonians-artists — Ghost in a box, Phantom Stony and HanzZzel — who have once again been selected to exhibit […]

Der alte Meister und die neuen Techniken: Bernd Püribauer trifft die Pannonians

Bernd Püribauer: Meister der Kunst und Brückenbauer zwischen Welten Bernd Püribauer, geboren 1976 in Neukirchen, Niederösterreich, ist ein vielfältiger Künstler, der sich in den Bereichen Malerei, Grafik, Skulptur, Performance und Musik bewegt. Seine künstlerische Ausbildung absolvierte er an der Ortweinschule für Bildnerische Gestaltung in Graz. Püribauer wurde insbesondere als Cartoonist für die Wiener Stadtzeitung “Falter” […]

The Old Master and the New Techniques: Bernd Püribauer Meets the Pannonians

Bernd Püribauer: Master of Art and Bridge Builder Between Worlds Bernd Püribauer, born in 1976 in Neukirchen, Lower Austria, is a multifaceted artist working in painting, graphics, sculpture, performance, and music. He received his artistic education at the Ortwein School for Visual Design in Graz. Püribauer gained particular recognition as a cartoonist for the Vienna […]

The Pannonians and The Kiss: Digital meets Tradition at the Belvedere

An Exclusive Insight into “The Kiss NFT” Project Recently, the Pannonians, as part of Austrians crypto and digital art community, were invited to an exclusive project presentation at the Belvedere, in collaboration with Validvent. The highlight of the event was the unveiling of the progress of the “The Kiss NFT” project, an innovative blockchain-based art […]

Chris/Ghost experiments with Unreal Engine

With a focus on the upcoming metaverse Otherside and the potential for audio/camera-reactive real-time visuals, Ghost is currently experimenting with Unreal Engine. Some impressions can be found here: https://www.the-pannonians.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/IMG_1613.mov

Eine kleine Geschichte über Kreativität und Innovation

  “Als ich so alt war wie du, war ich auch extrem kreativ, aber das geht mit dem Alter verloren.” Dieser Satz wird mir wohl ewig in Erinnerung bleiben. Doch beginnen wir am Anfang.   FITCE Young Engineer Wir schreiben das Jahr 2007. Ich bin in Gamming, Österreich und habe gerade den FITCE Young Engineer […]

A Touch of Time: Experimenting with Artificial Aging of Paper

In the ever-evolving world of art, inspiration often stems from the past, and materials themselves become vessels of storytelling. Stony and Ghost are currently diving into an intricate craft: the artificial aging of paper. This unique process transforms ordinary paper into aged, weathered artifacts that serve as the foundation for their newest creations. Why Artificial […]

Stony as a Guest at “145 Block and Wine”: A Night of Art, Technology, and Vision

Last weekend, Stony had the honor of attending 145 Block and Wine, one of the best events hosted by Validvent to date. The evening showcased a perfect blend of art, blockchain technology, and networking, proving once again how versatile and forward-thinking the world of digital assets can be.Highlights of the Event Among the distinguished speakers […]